Precisely five weeks ago I came back from a trip to Denmark and England. First I was two weeks in self quarantine and since I have been sheltering in place at home with my family. We would be fools to not be deeply affected by what’s happening around us. People getting sick, hospitals being overwhelmed and people being laid off in unfathomable numbers. I’d like to use this platform to stay connected with friends and clients and hopefully as a place to inspire. As for so many, this time is difficult for small independent businesses, independent designers, artists and artisans. For me being creative is in my dna and I have to keep making and I have to stay connected with people in my life. It’s a loss for me not to be able to host shows and gather people, but I’m fortunate that I can keep making and keep selling my work through my website and Instagram. I hope you will visit my page once in while and I hope pictures that reflect my activities, whether it be painting, jewelry making, walking in nature, cooking, sewing masks or organizing my house and my garden will inspire you. I hope you are all staying healthy and safe and taking care of the ones you love.
Our white clematis is in full bloom right now. It’s gorgeous and thriving even after 20 years in the same pot.